Wednesday 31 May 2017

Amazing Benefits Of Peanuts

Peanuts are popularly used as seed oil in India. Since they are obtained from the ground, they are also
sometimes called as groundnuts and also known as ‘Mungfali‘ in Hindi, ‘Pallelu‘ in Telugu, ‘Kadalai‘ in Tamil, ‘Nilakkadala‘ in Malayalam, ‘Kadale kaayi‘ in Kannada, ‘Singdana‘ in Gujarati and ‘Shengdaane‘ in Marathi. Peanuts are easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India. They are easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India.


Peanuts are also taken as snacks in many households especially in India. In reality, peanuts are actually legumes. But since they have all the properties of nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, etc., these are also included in the family of nuts.

Health Benefits Of Peanuts:

Here are some of the most well-known health benefits of Peanuts.

1. Rich in Energy:
Peanuts contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients and anti-oxidants and thus are rich energy sources.

2. Cholesterol:
It lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the body. Peanuts contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids especially oleic acid that prevents coronary diseases.

3. Growth:
Peanuts are rich in proteins. The amino acids present in them are good for proper growth and development of body.

4. Fights Stomach Cancer:

Poly-phenolic anti-oxidants are present in the peanuts in high concentrations. P-Coumaric acid has the ability to reduce the risk of stomach cancer by reducing the productions of carcinogenic nitrous-amines.

5. Fights against Heart Diseases, Nerves Diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Infections:
A poly-phenolic anti-oxidant, Resveratrol present in peanuts prevents heart diseases, cancers, nervous diseases and viral or fungal infections efficiently.

6. Reduces the Chances of Stroke:
The anti-oxidant, Resveratrol in peanuts prevents heart strokes by increasing the production of nitric oxide.

7. Anti-oxidants:
Peanuts contain anti-oxidants in high concentrations. These anti-oxidants become more active when peanuts are boiled. There is a 2-fold increase in Biochanin-A and 4-fold increase in Genistein content. These reduce the damage done by free radicals produced in the body.

8. Protects Skin:
Vitamin E in peanuts helps in maintaining the integrity of cells of mucous membrane and the skin. This protects them from free radicals which cause great damage.

9. Low Risk of Weight Gain:
Women who eat peanuts or peanut butter at least twice a week are less likely to be susceptible to obesity than those who don’t. If you eat peanut butter every morning with bread slices, you have less chances of gaining weight.

10. Colon Cancer:
Peanuts can reduce colon cancer especially in women. Eating at least 2 spoons of peanut butter twice a week can reduce the risk of colon cancer in women by up to 58% and in men by up to 27%. This is one of the best benefits of peanuts for women.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Benefits of Dry Red Chilli

Chilli is considered as one of the best spices used in Kitchen. Chillies are used in cooking, pickles and chutney. Red chillies are used as dried as well as powder both in vegetarian and no-vegetarian cooking. Due to its universal use,  it is known as “the Queen of Spices”.

  1. Appetizer: The paste of chillies, salt and turmeric are used to make as like as pickles. If one takes small amount of it, acts like as appetizer.
  2. Diarrhoea: A person suffering from diarrhoea, tablets made with the combinations of chillies, camphor, cumin seeds and asafoetida may be given in the dose of 125 gram to cure from this diseases.
  3. Pain and Sprain: The application of mix of red chillies medicated with castor oil is useful in easing from pain and sprain.
  4. Numbness:  Feeling lack of sensation in legs, mustard oil medicated with red chillies may be applied  to cure numbness.
  5. Heart Attack: The University of Cincinnati has researched that chilli due to presence of capsaicin lower blood pressure and reduces the level of cholesterol. It also prevent arteriolosclerosis.
  6. Diabetes: A new Canadian research has shown that eating of chilli pepper prevent diabetes due to capsaicin component.
  7. Capsaicin: The alkaloid compound, capsaicin acts like as anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic.
  8. Vitamin C: Fresh red and green chilli are rich in vitamin C, which helps in protecting from scurvy, develop immune system and works against free radicals.
  9. Antioxidants: Chilli pepper is abundant with antioxidants such as vitamin A, flavonoids, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and cryptoxanthin.  All these antioxidants helps to fight against free radicals thereby save the body from many diseases. Vitamin A is good for healthy mucous membrane.
  10. Minerals: Chille is having varied minerals-potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, etc. Potassium is good for heart rate and blood pressure.
  11. Vitamins: Chilli is loaded with vitamins like niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine.
  12. Medicinal Uses: Due to presence of Capsaicin compounds, chilli pepper is used in preparation of ointment; also used in formulation to be used in arthritic pain and sore muscles.
  13. Sound Sleep: Eating a chilli per day is helpful to stay sleep longer.
  14. Fight Inflammation: In a recent study, it has been shown that a diet containing of hot chillies reduce the risk of cancer. As per many clinical studies, it has been shown that natural capsaicin slow down the growth of leukemia cells and helps to prevent prostrate cancer.
  15. Fight Migraine: Researches have proved that chilli can combat headache, migraine and sinusitis owing to capsaicin control neuropeptide substance P that is the harbinger of migraine.
  16. Sinus Prevention: Heat due to capsaicin helps to clear mucous from the nasal passage and also fights sinuses.
  17. Lose Weight: Capsaicin is thermogenic in nature, which helps to activate metabolism adipose layer of the body thereby helps to melt fat to a certain extent.
  18. Side effects: Chilli has side effects. Chillies shouldn’t be used by person who has the problems of acidity, hyper-acidity, ulcer and stomach burning.

Monday 29 May 2017

Benefits of Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is a unique species of rice that come from India. Like as all types of rice, basmati has two types: white or brown. It because depending on the extent of the grinding process.

Health Benefits of Basmati Rice for your body:

1. Prevent Cancer Cells
Basmati rice contains approximately 20% more fiber than other types of rice. These fibers help prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body

2. Suitable for Diabetics
According to the Diabetes Association Canada, basmati rice has lower a glycemic index than another rice index, and thus more suitable for those who suffer from diabetes. The glycemic index carbohydrates based impact, put a notch on the face of sugar in the blood.

3. Suitable for Diet Program
The basmati rice had ‘amylose’ that higher levels. This amylose is a kind of carbohydrate that is not easy to digest. By consuming basmati rice, then hunger will appear longer if be compared brown rice or red rice, thus avoiding you for snacking.

4. High Fiber Basmati Rice More Than Other Rice
One cup of basmati rice has 20 percent fiber higher than when compared to other rice. Basmati rice also has a low glycemic index. Basmati brown rice has a good fiber content, from 200 g brown basmati rice was found 7,8g fiber. High fiber content in rice is beneficial to expedite our digestive system.

5. Overcoming Constipation
Fiber of Basmati rice can maintain water levels in the digestive tract. Therefore, the fiber can help soften stool consistency, so easily removed and helps overcome constipation. This rice have proven benefit for overcoming constipation, it could make indian people feel a lot of bless with this kind of rice.

6. Prevent Hemorrhoids

High fiber in Basmati rice will help reduce the work of the rectal muscle movement and reduce pressure on the rectum so that hemorrhoids can be prevented.

7. Controlling Cholesterol & Reduce Heart Disease Risk
Fiber can bind cholesterol and bile acids as well as take it out of the body along with the feces, so that the concentration of fat and cholesterol in the blood decreases and the possible risk of heart disease/stroke also fell.

8. Preventing Colon Cancer
Fiber can speed the passage of food in the digestive tract thereby shortening the transit time and helps prevent exposure to cancer causing substances in the digestive tract

9. Healthy Heart

The content of unsaturated fatty acids in nuts is believed to prevent heart disease. Meanwhile, the fiber content is believed to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Scientists examine the body releases tendency of the accumulation of cholesterol in the bloodstream at the time of embracing high-fiber diet. This prevents the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries or blood vessels that can lead to heart disease.

10. Help Maintain Ideal Weight
Fiber can inhibit the absorption of fat and helps reduce calorie intake. Fiber will create a sense of fullness more quickly. Consumption of fiber resulted in the release of cholecystokinin. Combine vegetables with rice or pasta can help you control the portion of food. Journal of Nutrition in April 1997 showed that more consumption as well as, the higher the fat portion of the food is wasted during defecation. This suggests that the fat content is discarded and not absorbed by the body.

11. Prevent Diabetes Risk
Fiber, especially soluble fiber type can help improve insulin sensitivity, which can improve control over the release of insulin as a result of food consumption of carbohydrates and protein. This can help improve the diabetic condition, and keeping humans healthy to avoid diabetic condition.

12. Prevent Cancer
Fiber intake is believed to prevent colon cancer. The researchers observed that it help capture the cancer-causing substances and then throw in the colon. In fact, studies show that women who consumed 26 grams of fiber per day had a 25% lower risk on colon cancer than participants who consumed only 8 grams.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Best Safety Matches Exporters in India

Match, splinter of wood, strip of cardboard, or other suitable flammable material tipped with a substance ignitable by friction.

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A match consists of three basic parts: a head, which initiates combustion; a tinder substance to pick up and transmit the flame; and a handle. There are two main types of modern friction matches: strike-anywhere matches and safety matches. The head of the strike-anywhere match contains all the chemicals necessary to obtain ignition from frictional heat, while the safety match has a head that ignites at a much higher temperature and must be struck on a specially prepared surface containing ingredients that pass ignition across to the head. The substance commonly used for obtaining combustion at the temperature of frictional heat is a compound of phosphorus. This substance is found in the head of strike-anywhere matches and in the striking surface of safety matches.

In addition to the phosphoric igniting agent, three other main groups of chemicals are found in the match: oxidizing agents, such as potassium chlorate, which supply oxygen to the igniting agent and the other combustible materials; binders, such as animal glue, starches and gums, and synthetics, which bind the ingredients and are oxidized during combustion; post-combustion binders, such as ground glass, which fuse and hold the ash together, must also be used; and inert materials, such as diatomaceous earth, which provide bulk and regulate the speed of reaction.