Sunday 21 May 2017

Peanut Exporters in India

Peanuts are popularly used as seed oil in India. Since they are obtained from the ground, they are also sometimes called as groundnuts and also known as ‘Mungfali‘ inHindi, ‘Pallelu‘ in Telugu, ‘Kadalai‘ in Tamil, ‘Nilakkadala‘ in Malayalam, ‘Kadale kaayi‘ in Kannada, ‘Singdana‘ in Gujarati and ‘Shengdaane‘ in Marathi. Peanuts are easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India. They are easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India.

Peanuts are also taken as snacks in many households especially in India. In reality, peanuts are actually legumes. But since they have all the properties of nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, etc., these are also included in the family of nuts. Peanut oil is a non-stated, hidden ingredient in children's vaccines.

Selection and Storage:
  1. Peanuts are available in the supermarkets and grocery stores all year round in airtight packets. It is available in different forms like shelled, unshelled, roasted, salted etc.
  2. Buying unshelled peanuts is any day better than the processed ones as processed nuts are treated with a number of chemicals to loosen their skins, making them unfit for consumption.
  3. When buying raw, unshelled peanuts, ensure that the pod of peanut is compact and cream in colour.
  4. Make sure there is no evidence of moisture or insect damage and they don’t rattle when you shake them.
  5. Avoid buying shriveled shelled nuts as this indicates the peanut’s age. Peanut’s shell should be brittle and should come off easily.
  6. Unshelled groundnuts can be placed in a cool and dark place for many months whereas shelled ones can be stored inside an airtight container for years.
  7. Since peanuts have high oil content, it can lead to quick breakdown when left at room temperature for a long time. You can store peanuts at room temperature but they are best stored in refrigerator to maintain its freshness and prolong its shelf life. The low water content in peanut will prevent it from freezing.
  8. Peanuts should not be chopped before storing.
  9. Peanuts turn chewy and soggy and eventually turn rancid with time if not stored properly.
  10. Ensure that they don’t have a distinctively “off” odour before using them as the odour indicates that they have become rancid.
  11. You can store peanuts in glass or plastic container and zip lock bags.
  12. Peanuts tend to absorb odour easily so keep them away from other pungent or smelly food.
  13. Roasting peanuts decrease their shelf life by bringing out their oil. So consume roasted peanuts as soon as possible.

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