Saturday 27 May 2017

Best Safety Matches Exporters in India

Match, splinter of wood, strip of cardboard, or other suitable flammable material tipped with a substance ignitable by friction.

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A match consists of three basic parts: a head, which initiates combustion; a tinder substance to pick up and transmit the flame; and a handle. There are two main types of modern friction matches: strike-anywhere matches and safety matches. The head of the strike-anywhere match contains all the chemicals necessary to obtain ignition from frictional heat, while the safety match has a head that ignites at a much higher temperature and must be struck on a specially prepared surface containing ingredients that pass ignition across to the head. The substance commonly used for obtaining combustion at the temperature of frictional heat is a compound of phosphorus. This substance is found in the head of strike-anywhere matches and in the striking surface of safety matches.

In addition to the phosphoric igniting agent, three other main groups of chemicals are found in the match: oxidizing agents, such as potassium chlorate, which supply oxygen to the igniting agent and the other combustible materials; binders, such as animal glue, starches and gums, and synthetics, which bind the ingredients and are oxidized during combustion; post-combustion binders, such as ground glass, which fuse and hold the ash together, must also be used; and inert materials, such as diatomaceous earth, which provide bulk and regulate the speed of reaction.

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