Monday 29 May 2017

Benefits of Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is a unique species of rice that come from India. Like as all types of rice, basmati has two types: white or brown. It because depending on the extent of the grinding process.

Health Benefits of Basmati Rice for your body:

1. Prevent Cancer Cells
Basmati rice contains approximately 20% more fiber than other types of rice. These fibers help prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body

2. Suitable for Diabetics
According to the Diabetes Association Canada, basmati rice has lower a glycemic index than another rice index, and thus more suitable for those who suffer from diabetes. The glycemic index carbohydrates based impact, put a notch on the face of sugar in the blood.

3. Suitable for Diet Program
The basmati rice had ‘amylose’ that higher levels. This amylose is a kind of carbohydrate that is not easy to digest. By consuming basmati rice, then hunger will appear longer if be compared brown rice or red rice, thus avoiding you for snacking.

4. High Fiber Basmati Rice More Than Other Rice
One cup of basmati rice has 20 percent fiber higher than when compared to other rice. Basmati rice also has a low glycemic index. Basmati brown rice has a good fiber content, from 200 g brown basmati rice was found 7,8g fiber. High fiber content in rice is beneficial to expedite our digestive system.

5. Overcoming Constipation
Fiber of Basmati rice can maintain water levels in the digestive tract. Therefore, the fiber can help soften stool consistency, so easily removed and helps overcome constipation. This rice have proven benefit for overcoming constipation, it could make indian people feel a lot of bless with this kind of rice.

6. Prevent Hemorrhoids

High fiber in Basmati rice will help reduce the work of the rectal muscle movement and reduce pressure on the rectum so that hemorrhoids can be prevented.

7. Controlling Cholesterol & Reduce Heart Disease Risk
Fiber can bind cholesterol and bile acids as well as take it out of the body along with the feces, so that the concentration of fat and cholesterol in the blood decreases and the possible risk of heart disease/stroke also fell.

8. Preventing Colon Cancer
Fiber can speed the passage of food in the digestive tract thereby shortening the transit time and helps prevent exposure to cancer causing substances in the digestive tract

9. Healthy Heart

The content of unsaturated fatty acids in nuts is believed to prevent heart disease. Meanwhile, the fiber content is believed to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Scientists examine the body releases tendency of the accumulation of cholesterol in the bloodstream at the time of embracing high-fiber diet. This prevents the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries or blood vessels that can lead to heart disease.

10. Help Maintain Ideal Weight
Fiber can inhibit the absorption of fat and helps reduce calorie intake. Fiber will create a sense of fullness more quickly. Consumption of fiber resulted in the release of cholecystokinin. Combine vegetables with rice or pasta can help you control the portion of food. Journal of Nutrition in April 1997 showed that more consumption as well as, the higher the fat portion of the food is wasted during defecation. This suggests that the fat content is discarded and not absorbed by the body.

11. Prevent Diabetes Risk
Fiber, especially soluble fiber type can help improve insulin sensitivity, which can improve control over the release of insulin as a result of food consumption of carbohydrates and protein. This can help improve the diabetic condition, and keeping humans healthy to avoid diabetic condition.

12. Prevent Cancer
Fiber intake is believed to prevent colon cancer. The researchers observed that it help capture the cancer-causing substances and then throw in the colon. In fact, studies show that women who consumed 26 grams of fiber per day had a 25% lower risk on colon cancer than participants who consumed only 8 grams.

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