Monday 19 June 2017

Skin & Hair Benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts also known by several names like groundnut, earthnut, monkey nut, pygmy nut, pignut or goober peas, peanut is a member of the legume family along with beans and peas. Thus, unlike its name, peanut is not really a nut but a legume and like most legumes, an excellent plant based source of protein. However, it is often classified as a nut because it possesses all the qualities of true nuts, like almonds. These nuts are enclosed in a hard wrinkled outer shell or pod which contains two or sometimes, three kernels. The seeds are egg shaped and their size depends upon the cultivar type. The shell has to be broken to eat the seed inside. Today shelled peanuts are also available in packed form. These seeds have a thin brown skin and can be split into two parts like other legumes.

Skin Benefits of Peanuts

The nutritional value of peanuts comprising of vitamins and monounsaturated fats makes them beneficial for your skin. The benefits of peanuts for skin on regular consumption are as follows:

Clear Skin:
The heart healthy monounsaturated fats and resveratrol play an important role in providing you with a glowing skin. Toxins can cause breakouts and excess oil on your skin. The high content of dietary fiber in peanuts helps in flushing out excess toxins, thus making your skin clear and flawless.

Anti-ageing Benefits:
Peanuts contain Vitamin C and Vitamin E which can prevent signs of ageing like wrinkles, spots and fine lines. They also contain resveratrol, a potent anti-ageing phytochemical also found in grapes and red wine. Being a powerful antioxidant, it is great for your skin, providing anti-ageing benefits as well.

Hair Benefits of Peanuts

The nutrients in peanut make it a great choice for hair health. Eating peanuts can be beneficial for your hair in the following ways.

Good Source of Biotin:
Biotin is a B-vitamin that is vital for hair growth and overall scalp health. It is produced by our bodies themselves in the intestines and also found in many food items. Deficiency of biotin can lead to hair loss. Peanuts are good sources of B vitamin and folate which contribute to healthy hair. Those who suffer from excessive hair loss are advised to take biotin supplements along with a balanced diet comprising of biotin rich foods.

Prevents Hair Loss:
Peanuts contain Vitamin C which assists in the production of collagen that keeps the tissues of our hair together. Besides, they contain I-arginine which is used in the treatment of male pattern baldness while omega-3 fatty acids strengthen our hair follicles and promote hair growth.

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