Thursday 22 June 2017

The Durability and Beauty of Granite Floors

Granite is a naturally occurring rock formation. This rock is not something a person with an artistic eye designs. It is a product of our wonderful earth. Granite in a home is easy to spot. Its eye-catching beauty and durability make it a great addition to any home.

Most homeowners do not know the geology of this fantastic rock. There is more science behind it than meets the eye. Granite is an igneous rock that takes many years to form. It all starts with molten lava. Lava makes its way between layers of solid rock, where it then cools and hardens. During this process, the lava combines with other substances such as mica, quartz, and feldspar. These substances are what determine the color and texture of the granite. Usually the colors are red, black, ivory, blue, beige, or brown.
After this natural process comes the factory. Here granite is cut into specific sizes, and are then polished, calibrated, and gauged to tailor to homebuilders' architectural needs.

Granite not only beautifies a home, but it also gives the home a long-lasting surface. Granite is second to diamonds in hardness. Simply put, this means it is hard to scratch and chip. Your money will be well spent.
Due to its durability, granite is very resistant to heat and moisture. Your granite should be properly sealed to protect it from moisture.

If you plan to install granite as your floor, it is perfect for any area that needs to be slip resistant. An unpolished granite floor will give you the extra grip you need to stay on your feet. If slip resistance is not important, polishing the granite will give your home that brilliant, modern feel.

Granite is the hardest and most durable of all stone flooring. It is extremely easy to maintain and also very stain resistant, making it the perfect choice for kitchen counters. Kitchens are highly prone to spills and cooking catastrophes. Grease, oils, coffee, acidic foods, and juices are no match for this natural stone. It can also take on heavy objects like pots, pans, and glass. Since it is highly scratch resistant, it lessens the damage caused by many household items.

However, if there is a large amount of calcite in your granite slab, it will not be as absorbent. Here is a tip to use to determine granite's absorbency when you are out shopping:

The Oil and Lemon Juice Test. Before you purchase granite for your home, try this test. Mix together a small amount of lemon juice and cooking oil. Using a dropper if possible, apply a few drops on the granite sample. Give the drops five or so minutes to sink in. If the granite turns dark quickly, there is a large amount of calcite in the granite. This makes it less stain resistant. If it takes 30 seconds or more to turn dark, the granite has most likely been decently sealed with a sealing product. If it takes longer than 5 minutes or does not change, this is your best option.

Granite is a great option for any home. Its beauty and durability will impress both you and your company. So select it carefully, and your investment will be worthwhile.

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