Friday 14 July 2017

Choosing the Best Coffee Beans

There are only two types of commercial coffee beans available, Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is grown in high altitudes and is known for it's smooth, slightly acidic taste. Robusta is grown in lower altitudes and is known for it's stronger, more bitter taste.

How to determine what you like:


  • Look out for a light colored and dry bean.
  • This is going to offer you a smoother taste, with different levels of acidity depending on how it was roasted without that classic Starbucks dark, bitter bite.

Caffeine Content:

  • Dark roasts actually have less caffeine than medium or light roasts - light roasts having the most of all three.
  • Espresso beans tend to be in the medium roast realm, so if you are looking to maximize your caffeine intake that way, go for a medium-light roast. 
  • Medium-dark will offer fewer high kicks.

Roast Date – When buying coffee, you always want to buy fresh. Always look for a roast date on the bag of coffee beans you are buying and buy one that was roasted as recently as possible.

Where is the Coffee From

Check to see where exactly the beans were sourced for roasting. The best quality coffee will tell you everything you need to know about it.

Ground Coffee

If you want fully enjoy your coffee, only buy from roasters that provide only whole bean coffee.

Know Your Tastes
  •        Set Your Goals – First, you must set your goals for your coffee search. What are you looking for on this search? Maybe you are looking for something with a bolder flavour. Whatever your goals may be, put them firmly to your mind.
  •        Decide on Strength  Every different type of coffee has a different strength, ranging from mild to very strong. Which one you begin with depends largely on your own tastes and preferences.

Finding the perfect cup of coffee is completely up to you. Never give up on your search, and even after you find what you believe to be your favorite, never stop trying new types of coffee. You never know, you may just find something you like even more than your current favorite.

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