Tuesday 11 July 2017

Origin of Matches:

1. Fire was invented when two flint stones were struck together igniting a spark. From earliest times people made fire by either striking flint stones or by rubbing a hard stick against a soft one so that the friction caused soft flakes to peel off and start to smoulder.

2. The only improvement on these primitive methods was the tinder box that contained some steel, flint, and some dry tinder for the spark to ignite. This tinder was often pieces of linen or silk. But this was a time-consuming process especially if the tinder was damp or cold.

3. In the 18th century matches were invented which immediately made the process of transferring the flame from the tinder to where it was needed easier and simpler. Early matches were strips of wood or cardboard or waxed paper with one end tipped with a chemical.  

4. Initially these splinters of wood were dipped in sulphur. Sulphur was discovered much earlier and it is reported that the Chinese used such sulphur matches as early as the sixth century. However, while sulphur flared easily, it produced dangerous fumes. Though these matches became popular as they were cheap, the tinder box was still needed to produce the first spark.

5. When you strike a safety match, the glass-on-glass friction generates heat, converting a small amount of red phosphorus to white phosphorus vapor. White phosphorus spontaneously ignites, decomposing potassium chlorate and liberating oxygen. At this point, the sulfur starts to burn, which ignites the wood of the match.

6. Although they're made from different materials than gunpowder, matches contain the same kinds of ingredients necessary for fire, which explains why (in the right quantities) they can be as explosive. Specifically, these ingredients are an igniter, a fuel and an oxidizer. In a match, these roles are played by red phosphorus, sulphur and potassium chlorate, respectively.

7. But before we explain the purpose of each of these, we should mention a few other supporting elements. Ammonium phosphate, for instance, is impregnated into the matchstick wood to stifle afterglow when the flame dies. The stick is bathed in hot paraffin wax, which ensures the flame burns down past the head to the stick. Animal glue in the head has a dual purpose: It binds the materials and serves as extra fuel. Another important element is the powdered glass inside the head, which provides the friction that aids striking but also helps bind the materials and creates an even burn.

Lighting Up:

Phosphorus is the star of the show when it comes to igniting a match. And like many Hollywood starlets, it's unstable, sensitive and volatile. This is especially true for white phosphorus, which can ignite spontaneously in the air and was used in early matches. Modern matches use an allotrope of the same element called red phosphorus. But the white variety still makes a cameo: The friction that results from striking against powderedglass generates enough heat to convert some of the red phosphorus to white phosphorus.

Adding Fuel to the Fire:

Phosphorus alone would make a spectacular (but brief) one-man show. To sustain itself, the flame needs something to burn and more oxygen than it can get from the air. The fuel, sulfur and the oxidizing agent, potassium chlorate, work together in their capacities. The heat generated from the phosphorus is enough to break down potassium chlorate, and in the process, it releases oxygen. This oxygen combines with sulfur, allowing the flame to thrive long enough for us to light a candle or barbecue.
We've described what's called a strike-anywhere match -- in which all these reactive components are packed together in its head. In safety matches, the phosphorus is contained in a separate strip.
And in case you're wondering, the matchstick isn't a natural redhead: Red dye is added to the tip to lend a dash of drama to the ensemble.

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