Wednesday 28 June 2017

Caring for Fabrics

Fabric is an attractive, versatile, and inexpensive element of design commonly used in modern homes; but the variability of design fabrics makes it difficult to generalize advice for fabric care. Some fabrics act differently in different climates, and most fabrics have different cleaning requirements. Nevertheless, caring for your design fabrics ensures they maintain their attractiveness and durability in the long term. While this information is offered only as a brief guide, you should find some useful tips for caring for fabrics.

Regular Care
Typically, the main causes of soiling on fabric are dust, smoke from cigarettes or open fires, and accidental spills. While most of these causes can be prevented (or at least minimized), most fabrics become soiled over time. As such, you should be careful to regularly vacuum fabrics, including upholstery, drapes, curtains, and carpets. Most vacuum cleaners come with upholstery attachments, making regular cleaning a breeze. Ideally, you want to vacuum curtains and upholstery at least once a week to ensure their maximum lifespan. In addition, professional fabric cleaners recommend that you apply scotch guard or another stain resistance product to prevent premature spoiling; just be sure to choose a product that is safe for the particular type of fabric.

In addition to vacuuming, most fabrics should be washed on a regular schedule, whenever possible. Many fabrics are machine washable, and smaller items can often be cleaned at home. It's best to wash fabrics on a regular schedule rather than waiting for more serious stains or soiling to occur. Usually, you do not want to wash full-length curtains or other large items in a domestic washing machine as they tend not to clean very thoroughly and colour loss may be an issue. Also, always make sure to follow manufacturer's instructions closely as not all fabrics are safe for machine washing.

Another consideration when it comes to washing fabrics is that woven fabrics, particularly those made from natural fibers such as cotton or linen will shrink. Indeed, it is common for upholstery fabrics to shrink by as much as 6-8%, and even dry cleaning can cause shrinkage. You can prevent some shrinkage by ironing fabric in the direction of shrinkage when the fabric is still slightly damp. Otherwise, you should take care to allow for shrinkage when choosing fabrics for curtains and furniture covers.

Light Fastness
All fabrics will eventually fade from exposure to lights. While many printed or dyed design fabrics are made to resist fading, it is advisable to line curtains and blinds to prevent fading. Even on the cloudiest days, UV rays in sunlight will cause fading, so you should take extra steps to protect window coverings or furniture in rooms with a lot of natural sunlight. You may want to consider shutters or awnings to prevent sun exposure, and remember that some fabrics, such as sheer fabrics and voiles are especially likely to fade in sunlight.

The Exquisite Colors of Granite

Granite is the most intriguing of all natural stones because of its very fascinating colors and dynamic vein patterns. The ability of granite to make a significant addition to the style and sophistication of a home lies in its exquisite colors. This is the major reason why so many discriminating homeowners always choose granite for their building projects.

These granite colors can be grouped into two general classifications: the neutral granite colors and the darker granite colors. Basically, the utilization of the neutral shades of granite is quite different with that of granite with darker colors. Although it is possible to mix and match these colors, design consideration requires us to follow the normal pattern of things to achieve harmony in our over-all decor.

Having stated that, here are the different granite colors and their usual applications. This will help you choose your granite if you are building a kitchen counter, a bathroom counter, a vanity top or similar fixtures in your home.

Granite's Lighter Colors
Light colored granites are very flexible and can be used in different applications.

Beige - when it comes to decoration, this color of granite offers more flexibility. This color ranges from light to dark beige.

White - this color is best if you want a simple, refined and sophisticated look in your room. White granites are very appropriate for modern homes.

Gray - gray colored granite is best in highlighting a simple setting and lending support to a focal point in the room. It also goes well with light cabinetry and glass.

Yellow - this granite color is very popular. It will brighten up a room and give it a sunny and warm ambience.

Granite's Darker Shades
If you really want to make your room very special, it is best to use granite with darker colors.

Green - granite with this color will make your room very extraordinary. With its varying colors of green, it will give your room variety and spontaneity.

Gold - this color of granite will really make your room look rich and luxurious. This type of granite is a best-seller in the United States. It can also blend will with almost any decor in your room.

Brown - this is the most widely available color. It goes well with wood cabinetry with light color. If you want a classical look in the room, brown granite is the best.

Black - this is the best color that will give your kitchen that modern look, especially if you will install cabinetry with clean, straight lines.

Red - red colored stone exudes excitement and romance. It is the oldest used granite in history, being present in Egyptian pyramids. This granite is best for decorative functions.

Blue - this color is also popular with modern designers. They prefer this granite because of its gorgeous vein patterns.

Burgundy - this color looks like red granite but is as versatile as brown granite. It will look best in kitchen countertops and can blend well with stainless steel kitchen appliances.

So think about the above when choosing granite counter-tops colors.

Health Benefits of Rice

Rice can also prevent chronic constipation. The insoluble fiber from rice acts like a soft sponge that may be pushed through the intestinal tract quickly and easily. Brown rice and whole grains are known to be rich in insoluble fiber. However, it is advisable to drink lots of water for relieving your constipated condition, in addition to eating fibrous foods.

Diabetic patients should include brown rice rather than white rice, which contains low levels of glycemic index. As little as one cup of brown rice on a daily basis provides a person with almost 100% of their daily manganese requirement, which helps to produce energy from carbohydrates and protein. Brown rice is also extremely beneficial for normal functioning of the nervous system and the production of sex hormones.

Some of the health benefits of rice are explained below.

1. Great Source of Energy:
Since rice is abundant in carbohydrates, it acts as fuel for the body and aids in the normal functioning of the brain. Carbohydrates are essential to be metabolized by the body and turned into functional, usable energy. The vitamins, minerals, and various organic components increase the functioning and metabolic activity of all your organ systems, which further increases energy levels.

2. Cholesterol Free:
Eating rice is extremely beneficial for your health, simply because it does not contain harmful fats, cholesterol or sodium. It forms an integral part of balanced diet. Any food that can provide nutrients without having any negative impacts on health is a bonus! Low levels of fat, cholesterol, and sodium will also help reduce obesity and the health conditions associated with being overweight. It is one of the most widely used and eaten foods in the world because it can keep people healthy and alive, even in very small quantities.

3. Blood Pressure Management:
Rice is low in sodium, so it is considered one of the best foods for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. Sodium can cause veins and arteries to constrict, increasing the stress and strain on the cardiovascular system as the blood pressure increases. This is also associated with heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, so avoiding excess sodium is always a good idea.

4. Cancer Prevention:

Whole grain rice like brown rice is rich in insoluble fiber that can protect against many types of cancer. Many scientists and researchers believe that such insoluble fibers are vital for protecting the body against the development and metastasis of cancerous cells. Fiber, specifically is beneficial in defending against colorectal and intestinal cancer. However, besides fiber, it also has natural antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin-A, phenolic and flavonoid compounds, which also act as or stimulate antioxidants to scour the body for free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts of cellular metabolism that can do serious damage to your organ systems and cause the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous ones. Boosting your antioxidant levels is a great idea, and eating more rice is a wonderful way to do that.

5. Skin care:
Medical experts say that powdered rice can be applied topically to cure certain skin ailments. On the Indian subcontinent, rice water is readily prescribed by ayurvedic practitioners as an effective ointment to cool off inflamed skin surfaces. The phenolic compounds that are found in it, particularly in brown or wild rice, have anti-inflammatory properties, so they are also good for soothing irritation and redness. Whether consumed or topically applied, substance derived from rice tend to relieve a number of skin conditions. The antioxidant capacity also helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and other premature signs of aging that can affect the skin.

6. Alzheimer’s Disease:
Brown rice is said to contain high levels of nutrients that stimulate the growth and activity of neurotransmitters, subsequently helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease to a considerable extent. Various species of wild rice have been shown to stimulate neuroprotective enzymes in the brain, which inhibit the effects of free radicals and other dangerous toxins that can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Diuretic and Digestive Qualities:
The husk part of rice is considered to be an effective medicine to treat dysentery, and some people say that a three month old rice plant’s husks are said to have diuretic properties. Chinese people believe that rice considerably increases appetite, cures stomach ailments and reduces all digestive problems. As a diuretic, rice husk can help you lose excess water weight, eliminate toxins from the body like uric acid, and even lose weight, since approximately 4% of urine is actually made up of body fat! The high fiber content also increases bowel movement regularity and protects against various types of cancer, as well as reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

8. Rich in Vitamins:
An excellent source of vitamins and minerals like niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine and riboflavin. These vitamins provide the foundation for body metabolism, immune system health, and general functioning of the organ systems, since vitamins are commonly consumed in the most essential activities in the body.

9. Cardiovascular Health:
Rice bran oil is known to have antioxidant properties that promote cardiovascular strength by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. We have already spoken about the cardiovascular benefits of fiber, and low levels of fat and sodium. Wild and brown rice varieties are far better than white rice in this category, since the husk of the grain is where much of the nutrients are; the husk is removed in white rice preparation.

10. Resistant starch:
Rice abounds in resistant starch, which reaches the bowels in an undigested form. This type of starch stimulates the growth of useful bacteria that help with normal bowel movements. Also, this insoluble rice is very useful in reducing the effects of conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and diarrhea.

According to the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, the nutritional value of rice needs to be improved even more so that it benefits mankind.  It, being the most dominant cereal crop in most of the world can improve the lives of millions of people who consume it.

Efforts are currently being made to increase the micro-nutrient value of rice by combining traditional methods of growing crops with modern bio-technology. The institute further states that the development of rice with high iron and zinc compounds could be possible through bio-fortification. That can also induce high quality yields, which could be eagerly accepted by farmers as well as rice consumers for healthier, longer lives.

Monday 26 June 2017

Varieties of Rice

Rice is one of the most widely consumed food crops of the world. This cereal foodstuff provides nourishment to over half of the world's population. In fact, this staple food provides more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by humans. India is the second largest producer of rice after China, accounting for about 90 million tons of production in the world. Rice is cultivated during both winter and summer, and there are more than 4000 varieties of rice being grown every year.

Rice is defined as a cereal grain belonging to the grass family of 'Poaceae'. Rice belongs to two species of Poaceae crop, namely, 'Oryza Sativa' and 'Oryza.' The rice plant grows at 2-6 feet, with an upright stem and long, pointed and flat leaves. It has stalk bearing flowers from which the the rice grains are produced. The rice plant needs both warmth and moisture for its proper growth. Rice is typically grown as an annual plant, although in some tropical regions, it is also grown as a perennial plant. It is considered to be one of the few crops that is non-glutenous and non-allergic.

In third world nations and developing countries, rice is one of the most commonly grown cash crops. In fact, rice is one of the oldest cereal crops cultivated by humans. The earliest forms of rice were grown in China around 5000 years back. Since it is a major food supplement, it is commercially cultivated as a cash crop in many regions of the world.

Rice is very nutritious and contains loads of nutrients to give energy and vitality to our body. Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates as well as an important source of storing the energy inside the body for its proper growth. Rice is also low on fat, salt and cholesterol, and thus helps in keeping the heart healthy.

As pointed above, India is the second largest producer of rice in the world. The rich soil of India is known for producing some of the finest varieties of rice. Basmati rice is globally renowned for its unique smell and delicate flavour and Indian basmati rice is highly demanded in the worldwide market.

Following are the main varieties of rice produced in India:

Basmati Rice: Often termed as the king of all rice, basmati rice is an ideal choice for an every day meal. Its delicate flavour and distinctive aroma makes this long grain rice as the most wonderful rice among all varieties. The long grain rice is further classified as 'Long Grain Brown Rice' and 'Long Grain White Rice'. India is the largest cultivator and exporter of this rice.

Medium Grain Rice: This type of rice has a creamy color and a slightly chewy texture. The kernels of this kind of rice are shorter and wider as compared to that of long grain rice and also do not always remain fluffy. It can also be further classified as 'Medium Grain Brown Rice' and 'Medium Grain White Rice'.

Short Grain Rice: Belonging to the 'Japonica' (round grained) category of rice, the grains of this type of rice have short and plump kernels. This rice is identified as having a smooth, creamy texture, ideal for making rice pudding and other sweet dishes involving the use of rice.

Rice is also a base material for producing many other items. It is an inseparable ingredient of many delicious desserts, snacks and other food items. A type of alcoholic beverage 'rice wine' is also produced from rice. In many regions of the world, rice wine is prepared for celebrating gala occasions.

If you are looking for exporters and suppliers of rice. you can visit RajExim, which has extensive information on rice and other products.

Sunday 25 June 2017

How to Care For Granite Countertops

If you don't know already, Granite is a gorgeous stone often used for countertops and flooring in kitchens and bathrooms. Unlike marble, granite is more durable and easier to care for. Real natural granite offers much sought after qualities such as durability, wear ability, and a rich design that is unmatched by synthetics.
Granite is an all natural, naturally formed stone that is simply harvested from quarries, cut, polished, sealed, and installed. Granite is available in many natural styles and colors such as black, pink, brown, grey, and 275 other varieties. Its enduring qualities and easy care maintenance make it the perfect stone for countertops in bathrooms and kitchens.

All About Granite
Granite's many colors are due to the various minerals that are found in the rock naturally. Granite comes from all over the world, the different regions and different environmental factors that lend to its uniqueness are due to these minerals or co-factors of the regions in which granite formed.

In addition to its main component quartz crystal, it also contains various amounts of feldspar, mica, copper, iron, and other metals. Some granite may even have bits of gold or silver. These are all formed into a hard stone by heat and pressure over time. While the rock is forming, rain adds other minerals to the granite. The amount of the ingredients as well as the way the granite is formed depends on the region of the world it comes from. Granite is available on every continent and in every country. The granite from each region is unique to that region.

How to Care For Granite
Granite is a natural indigenous rock that is not able to be duplicated by man. It's sought after qualities include scratch resistance, stain resistance, heat resistance, and wear ability. Granite is a figure that becomes part of your home. Its long lasting durability means that you will not have to replace it every few years like synthetic products. Even so, granite still requires proper care if it is to last a lifetime.

First, granite is very durable, but it is not stain resistant. For optimal stain resistance a highly durable sealant coating is placed on the granite. Since granite is extremely porous, this coating is important. Therefore, it is this sealant coating that needs the attention when it comes to caring for your granite stone.

Second, granite is scratch resistant. This means that it should not show wear and tear as readily as synthetic products or ceramic tile. However, this does not mean it should be used as a cutting board nor should cleaning products such as steel wool or comet be used to clean it. These can also dull the sealant coat and expose the granite to the possibility of stains.

Third, while granite is heat resistant, it is still wise to place a barrier between the granite and hot pans. When taking items from the stove or oven and placing them on the granite simply place a trivet, thick towel, or hot pad between them. Even though granite is heat resistant, over time the stress from hot objects can begin to show by dulling the sealant.

Fourth, to care for your granite and improve its long lasting durability, it needs to be cleaned properly. Simply wiping up spills as soon as they occur so that no abrasive agents or scrubber pads need to be used is ideal. To keep the surface clean a simple mild cleaning solution such as dish soap or multi-surface cleaner should be used on a daily basis. Spray or wipe on the cleaner, and rinse off with a damp cloth. Dry the surface with a lint free cloth to reduce water spotting or lint trails.

Why Granite?
Granite is an all natural stone that is both durable and beautiful. Of all installed surfaces it is the strongest and most durable. It is heat resistant, scratch resistant, and when sealed it is also stain resistant. When cared for properly, granite will likely outlive your home. With over 275 colors and textures to choose from, you can be sure to find one that will add a touch of beauty and elegance to your home. Granite is an excellent choice for your home, bathroom, flooring or even fireplace surround. Keeping your granite cleaned and well maintained will ensure your granite counter-tops last a lifetime.

Friday 23 June 2017

Sesame Seed Oil - A Carrier Oil For Skin Preservation and Massage

Sesame seed oil is expeller pressed from the seeds of the Seasamum Indicum plant producing a vegetable oil yellow in color and used in shortenings, salad oil, margarine and other food products, as well as being an excellent carrier oil for use in massage, aromatherapy and skin care. As a carrier it has many of the same emollient properties as olive oil and other nut and vegetable oils for cosmetics, suntan lotions, shampoos, soaps, and suntan lotions.

Sesame is also called benne and has been grown for its seeds by China for some 5000 years. Egyptians ground the seeds to produce flour, and Roman soldiers would mix sesame seeds with honey for extra strength during their military battles.

Sesame seed oil is high in Vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is used in skin care as a natural moisturizer. Other uses are for rheumatic conditions, eczema, psoriasis or dry skin. In folk medicine it has been used to help fade blemishes, and was traditionally used to deter body lice. It has a natural sunscreen effect of SPF4. Daily sesame massage is practiced for skin-preservation in Ayurvedic medicine (a traditional medicine from India). It is used to help balance the doshas.

Massage therapists choose it because it does not stain sheets. However, it does leave an oily residue. It has a distinctive sweet, nutty scent and may overpower a blend if not diluted with another carrier oil such as grapeseed or almond to make it a bit lighter.

Keep stored away from direct sunlight to maintain freshness and nutrient value.

Thursday 22 June 2017

The Durability and Beauty of Granite Floors

Granite is a naturally occurring rock formation. This rock is not something a person with an artistic eye designs. It is a product of our wonderful earth. Granite in a home is easy to spot. Its eye-catching beauty and durability make it a great addition to any home.

Most homeowners do not know the geology of this fantastic rock. There is more science behind it than meets the eye. Granite is an igneous rock that takes many years to form. It all starts with molten lava. Lava makes its way between layers of solid rock, where it then cools and hardens. During this process, the lava combines with other substances such as mica, quartz, and feldspar. These substances are what determine the color and texture of the granite. Usually the colors are red, black, ivory, blue, beige, or brown.
After this natural process comes the factory. Here granite is cut into specific sizes, and are then polished, calibrated, and gauged to tailor to homebuilders' architectural needs.

Granite not only beautifies a home, but it also gives the home a long-lasting surface. Granite is second to diamonds in hardness. Simply put, this means it is hard to scratch and chip. Your money will be well spent.
Due to its durability, granite is very resistant to heat and moisture. Your granite should be properly sealed to protect it from moisture.

If you plan to install granite as your floor, it is perfect for any area that needs to be slip resistant. An unpolished granite floor will give you the extra grip you need to stay on your feet. If slip resistance is not important, polishing the granite will give your home that brilliant, modern feel.

Granite is the hardest and most durable of all stone flooring. It is extremely easy to maintain and also very stain resistant, making it the perfect choice for kitchen counters. Kitchens are highly prone to spills and cooking catastrophes. Grease, oils, coffee, acidic foods, and juices are no match for this natural stone. It can also take on heavy objects like pots, pans, and glass. Since it is highly scratch resistant, it lessens the damage caused by many household items.

However, if there is a large amount of calcite in your granite slab, it will not be as absorbent. Here is a tip to use to determine granite's absorbency when you are out shopping:

The Oil and Lemon Juice Test. Before you purchase granite for your home, try this test. Mix together a small amount of lemon juice and cooking oil. Using a dropper if possible, apply a few drops on the granite sample. Give the drops five or so minutes to sink in. If the granite turns dark quickly, there is a large amount of calcite in the granite. This makes it less stain resistant. If it takes 30 seconds or more to turn dark, the granite has most likely been decently sealed with a sealing product. If it takes longer than 5 minutes or does not change, this is your best option.

Granite is a great option for any home. Its beauty and durability will impress both you and your company. So select it carefully, and your investment will be worthwhile.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Essential Tips For Choosing Fabrics For Furniture

When you're choosing upholstered furniture for your home, it's important to make sure you understand how you plan to use the piece of furniture, how much time and effort you're willing to put toward its upkeep, and the length of time you expect the piece of furniture to last.

Here are some helpful tips that will help you choose the best fabrics for your furniture.

  • When selecting furniture, first check the fiber content on the manufacturer's tag. If it's not there, have the salesperson provide you with the information.
  • Check to see that the actual fabric is firmly woven. Hold it up to the light to see if it's compact and closely woven.
  • Examine the fabric's raw edges to see if they fray or easily ravel. If they do, you'll find that the yarns will pull away at the seams in cushions, sofas, and chair frames.
  • Stretch the fabric diagonally to see if it will hold its shape without wrinkling.
  • A balanced weave (all yarns are about the same size and strength) will wear better than a weave that has heavy yarns in one direction and thin yarns in the other.
  • A twill weave will resist wear and show soil less than a plain weave of similar quality.
  • Flat-surfaced fabrics such as damask, brocade and satin will show the effects of abrasion because the long yarns on the surface are subject to wear.
  • Pile fabrics, such as plush, frieze, and velvet, will withstand abrasion well if they are made of firm yarns with deep and close pile and are firmly held to the ground cloth.
  • A pile fabric with cut loops mats more easily than one with uncut loops.
  • Loosely woven fabrics should have applied latex backings to ensure stability and longer wear.
  • Rub a fabric sample 20 to 30 times with an emery board to see if the color changes or rubs off. Pigment-printed fabrics may show color loss from abrasion.
  • Check to see if the fabric has an easy-care or stain-resistant finish such as Scotchgard® by the 3-M Company, Teflon® and Zepel® by DuPont, that will allow water-based stains to be easily blotted.
  • Ask the salesperson if the finish that the manufacturer has applied is durable and covered in the warranty.
  • Choose fibers that withstand sunlight.
  • Check to see if the fabric is flame retardant.

The most important thing to remember when choosing upholstery fabrics is to read all hang tags, labels, and information imprinted on the fabric samples. And when you're comparing prices, note that a less expensive fabric might serve your purpose as well or better than a more expensive one.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Indian Chilli Varieties

Spice is pleasant! For a larger part of us Indians, a dish ailing in zest or without chillies is inconceivable. One would be left expanding at the dish in entire repulsiveness! Most dishes served the nation over join the well known (or notorious) chillies either by including a dash of it or blending in a liberal measure of it. Regardless of whether you're an Indian or a visitor, your sense of taste is definitely subjected to a great or a frightening experience with the great old bean stew. Indeed, even the unassuming bean stew has its restorative properties and if eaten respectably effectsly affects one's body. There are more than 400 assortments on the planet and just about 16% of the world's nourishment generation is ascribed to the bean stew. India is the biggest maker of bean stew taken after by China. There are numerous assortments that are developed crosswise over India and some are said underneath.

1. Kashmiri Chili

Known more for its shading than its zest, this bean stew is ground into a powder and utilized in Kashmiri dishes as well as in many dishes the nation over and the world to add a wonderful red shading to the dish and also improve the dish's taste. It's so gentle in its zestiness that it gauges scarcely 2000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units). The Scoville Heat Scale measures the fieriness or the hotness of a stew. The most elevated is Pure Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin which measures 16,000,000 SHU. Presently you can see precisely how gentle the Kashmiri Chili is!

2. Guntur Chili

Andhra food is well known for its to a great degree zesty dishes and the stew in charge of this is the Guntur Sannam – S4. The Sannam bean stew has numerous assortments that are become in Andhra as well as in states, for example, Madhya Pradesh. Known for its warmth, unless one is utilized to such an abnormal state of hotness, you will discover many individuals in tears when eating flavorful Andhra dishes. As the name proposes, it's developed broadly in this locale. This bean stew has turned out to be so famous; it is sent out to everywhere throughout the world. It represents about 30% of India's bean stew trades.

3. Bird’s Eye Chilli –Dhani

This is developed in the North East and is small yet packs a punch as far as zest. It is utilized in cooking as well as utilized as a part of chutneys and pickles. When eating a pickle made of these chillis, it is best to actually take a large portion of a teaspoon on your plate in any case and to appreciate it by eating minor segments of this amount. That way your tears don't stream in downpours!

4. Naga Chili 

They contain a few assortments of chillis which are rank as a portion of the most smoking chillis on the planet. As far as anyone knows the Indian Army needs to utilize a portion of the assortments of chillis as weapons! They are to a great degree hot that in the wake of eating it individuals have revealed of eyes consuming, defective noses; individuals giving way, regurgitating and getting stomach issues. Some have even resigned to their beds for a day or two to recuperate from the impacts!

5. Mundu Chili 

Developed in Tamil Nadu and Andhra, they are little and round with a thin skin. It has an extremely one of a kind flavor. They are scarcely zesty yet have a one of a kind flavor which upgrades the kinds of many dishes.

6. Jwala Chili 

Developed principally in Gujarat, this bean stew is developed everywhere throughout the nation and is utilized generally in India for cooking. In spite of the fact that its green at first, once it develops it hands red over shading. They can even be developed at home. It is one of the nation's most critical products.

7. Kanthari Chili

These chillies are developed in Kerala and turned out to be white when develop. These chillis are hot and loan a decent flavor to dishes. Kanthari chillies are a one of a kind assortment of Bird's Eye Chili. It is a perpetual product.

 8. Byadagi Chili 

This bean stew is developed in Karnataka. It is long and has a thin skin, and when it's dried has a crimped appearance. It is known for its shading and sharpness and is expended crosswise over India. The Byadagi Chili is like Paprika.

There are numerous more assortments which are delivered crosswise over India and which are devoured in those areas. Chillies are indispensable to Indian cooking and the greater part of us Indians have created stomachs of steel having grown up eating chillies. Utilized as a part of practically every dish, it's a noteworthy business trade edit out our country and however the stew touched base in India just in the sixteenth century, it's currently turned out to be synonymous with our cooking.

Tips for Crocheting With Cotton Yarn

Cotton yarn is an ideal choice for crochet as we move into the warmer parts of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere. Cotton fiber creates breathable items that are also wonderfully sturdy and durable.
Here are ten tips to consider when crocheting with cotton yarn.

1. Yarn weight matters.
Cotton tends to be a heavy yarn, especially once it has gotten wet. Pay particular attention to the yarn weight when choosing projects. Cotton thread and sock weight cotton will be less dense, of course, than a worsted weight or bulky weight cotton. Of course, if you're working on a thick project that you want to be really heavy (such as a winter blanket or a big crochet basket) then the heaving yarn weights make sense.

2. Cotton is for items that don't require stretch.
As a rule, cotton doesn't stretch. This makes it a great choice for items that are intended to be sturdy and durable. For that reason, cotton yarn is great for making crochet baskets, dishtowels, market tote bags and amigurumi. Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton Yarn is one example of a 100% cotton yarn often used to make kitchen towels and potholders. Note that when cotton does stretch (such as when you hang a wet piece of cotton from a line), it is inelastic so it won't bounce back into its original shape. It will stretch out like a big yawn and then just hang there, slack-jawed and unable to return to normal.

3. Use textured stitches for holding shape.
If you want to create cotton items that don't stretch out that way when wet then you should crochet textured stitches. Post stitches, especially those that lock around each other to make crochet cables, are a great choice.

4. Cotton blends may work better for wearables.
Because cotton doesn't stretch, it can sometimes be unforgiving for wearable items where you might want more drape. For those projects, you might want to choose a cotton blend. Rowan Wool Cotton Yarn is an example of a blend that's 50% cotton, 50% merino wool.

5. Pick "organic cotton" to be eco-friendly.
Many people choose cotton yarn because it's a natural fiber and they seek to engage in earth-friendly crochet. That's great! However, if that's why you're choosing cotton, then you want to be careful to select "organic cotton yarn". Pesticides are frequently used on cotton that's not organic

Monday 19 June 2017

Skin & Hair Benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts also known by several names like groundnut, earthnut, monkey nut, pygmy nut, pignut or goober peas, peanut is a member of the legume family along with beans and peas. Thus, unlike its name, peanut is not really a nut but a legume and like most legumes, an excellent plant based source of protein. However, it is often classified as a nut because it possesses all the qualities of true nuts, like almonds. These nuts are enclosed in a hard wrinkled outer shell or pod which contains two or sometimes, three kernels. The seeds are egg shaped and their size depends upon the cultivar type. The shell has to be broken to eat the seed inside. Today shelled peanuts are also available in packed form. These seeds have a thin brown skin and can be split into two parts like other legumes.

Skin Benefits of Peanuts

The nutritional value of peanuts comprising of vitamins and monounsaturated fats makes them beneficial for your skin. The benefits of peanuts for skin on regular consumption are as follows:

Clear Skin:
The heart healthy monounsaturated fats and resveratrol play an important role in providing you with a glowing skin. Toxins can cause breakouts and excess oil on your skin. The high content of dietary fiber in peanuts helps in flushing out excess toxins, thus making your skin clear and flawless.

Anti-ageing Benefits:
Peanuts contain Vitamin C and Vitamin E which can prevent signs of ageing like wrinkles, spots and fine lines. They also contain resveratrol, a potent anti-ageing phytochemical also found in grapes and red wine. Being a powerful antioxidant, it is great for your skin, providing anti-ageing benefits as well.

Hair Benefits of Peanuts

The nutrients in peanut make it a great choice for hair health. Eating peanuts can be beneficial for your hair in the following ways.

Good Source of Biotin:
Biotin is a B-vitamin that is vital for hair growth and overall scalp health. It is produced by our bodies themselves in the intestines and also found in many food items. Deficiency of biotin can lead to hair loss. Peanuts are good sources of B vitamin and folate which contribute to healthy hair. Those who suffer from excessive hair loss are advised to take biotin supplements along with a balanced diet comprising of biotin rich foods.

Prevents Hair Loss:
Peanuts contain Vitamin C which assists in the production of collagen that keeps the tissues of our hair together. Besides, they contain I-arginine which is used in the treatment of male pattern baldness while omega-3 fatty acids strengthen our hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Friday 16 June 2017

Health Benefits of Chili Powder

Chili powder is the dried, pulverized fruit of one or more varieties of chili pepper, sometimes with the addition of other spices. Chili powder is sometimes known by the particular type of chili pepper used (such as cayenne pepper) and is incorporated in many different cuisines, including Tex-Mex, Indian, Chinese, Korean and Thai. This spice is used to add pungency and flavor to dishes.

1. Chili Powder can help boost energy production and increase antioxidant defense.
Chili powder possesses a good amount of manganese, which is an essential co factor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defenses. For example, some enzymes disarm free radicals produced within the mitochondria (the energy production factories within our cells), which require manganese.

2. Chili Powder can assist in red blood cell formation.
Copper and Iron are essential for the new blood cell formation. A deficiency in iron can lead to anemia, fatigue, and muscular weakness.

3. Chili Powder can help improve cognitive functioning.
The amount of iron in chili powder leads to increased hemoglobin production and increases blood flow. Proper amounts of oxygen and iron in the brain lead to improved cognitive performance and a decrease in cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

4. Chili Powder can help maintain a healthy blood pressure.
Chili powder has a great potassium to sodium ratio. They are well known because of its high potassium content. One tablespoon of chili powder contains 144 milligrams of potassium, compared to just 75.8 milligrams of sodium. This helps the blood vessels relax and maintains proper blood pressure.

5. Chili Powder helps support the digestive system.
Chili powder possesses a considerable amount of fiber. Fiber stimulates peristaltic motion and increased secretion of gastric juices, which eases digestion, prevents conditions like constipation, and protects the body from more serious conditions like colorectal cancer. Fiber can also scrape cholesterol out of the arteries and blood vessels. One cup of chili powder contains 3 grams of dietary fiber.

6. Chili Powder can help individuals fight infections.
Vitamin C is a potent natural water-soluble antioxidant that helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and eliminates cancer-causing free radicals in the body.

7. Chili Powder is great for the hair and skin.
Adequate vitamin C intake does not only improve the immune system, can also create and maintain collagen, an important protein found in hair and skin. Also, chili powder contains vitamin A to keep the hair moisturized through increased sebum production. Each tablespoon contains 44 percent of the daily recommended vitamin A.

Lastly, chili powder is an excellent source of vitamin E is in skin care and hair care. Owing to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E promotes the circulation of blood to the scalp.

Awesome Health Benefits Of Mangoes

Often called the “king of fruits”, mangoes or Mangifera Indica comes in many varieties and is mainly grown in India, Thailand, Africa, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, and Haiti. When it is just right, a mango will be firm, juicy, sweet with just a touch of tartness. This makes it a winning ingredient in many desserts, especially ice creams, frozen yogurts, souffles, jams, preserves, sauces and more. It is also used in many savory dishes to add depth and texture.

Mangoes are also a rich source of carotenes. Interestingly, the variety of carotenes is higher in unripe mangoes compared to ripe ones. Mango peels have higher amounts of antioxidants compared to the flesh. Peels also hold the ability to prohibit the cancer cells from spreading more effectively than any other part of the mango. Nonetheless, mangoes are preferred in their sweet, peel-free and ripe version and also offer a treasure trove of benefits.

Health Benefits Of Mangoes

1. Prevents And Stops Cancer
When mango polyphenol extracts were tested on colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancer cells in the lab, it was observed that it showed most promising results on breast and colon cancer cells. While mango destroyed the cancerous cells in the colon, it did not harm the healthy cells.

2. Fights Fat
There’s one more reason to feast on mango–it actually helps modulate body fat! According to a study, when rats fed with a high-fat diet for eight weeks were made to ingest freeze-dried mango pulp, they accumulated less body fat

3. Improves Glucose Control
Well, who would have known that the deliciously sweet mango could help diabetics? In a study to understand the effect of freeze-dried mango supplementation on clinical parameters of pre-diabetic individuals, it was found that the blood glucose levels decreased and insulin levels increased in individuals supplemented with freeze-dried mangoes. Mango has proven to have antidiabetic action in animal models. A human study on obese individuals who were asked to consume mango regularly revealed a positive effect on their blood glucose, in particular on their fasting sugar levels. The male participants even reported reduced hip circumference.

4. Great For The Heart
Many constituents in mangoes protect us from a host of conditions that spell trouble for our ticker. Its anthocyanins are said to have therapeutic activities on human diseases related to oxidative stress such as coronary heart disease, inflammation, and subsequent blood vessel damage. It also reduces the risk of congestive heart failure and the deposit of plaque in the arteries.

5. Prevents Inflammation
Mangoes have anti-inflammatory qualities which protect us from a range of inflammatory diseases like arthritis, acne, asthma, celiac disease and more.

6. Protects Your Liver
Mangoes fight oxidative stress and that largely benefits the liver. Thanks to its polyphenols, mango pulp extract has shown to combat oxidative stress-induced cellular injury to the liver of mice by modulating cell growth regulators. The iron-complexing ability of mango is a primary mechanism for protection of liver and reduces iron-induced oxidative damage owing to abnormal iron distribution or iron overload in the cells.

7. Boosts Immunity
Mangiferin, a polyphenolic compound in mangoes, offers a wide range of health benefits. One of them is enhanced immunity. It stimulates and activates our immune system. The benefits of Indian mango have been reaped by many Ayurvedic practitioners to treat immunodeficiency diseases.

8. Keeps Bones Strong
Mango has been observed to prevent bone resorption. Simply put, it prohibits the loss and transfer of calcium from the bone tissue to the bloodstream.

9. Reduces Cholesterol
Studies reveal that mango is not just a zero-cholesterol fruit, but is also potent at reducing lipid levels in serums and tissues. The flavonoids from mango helped reduce the cholesterol levels in rats induced with hyperlipidemia.

10. Anti-Ageing Agent For Eyes
A diet loaded with fruits and veggies protects your peepers as you age. If those fruits and veggies are rich in antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids like mangoes, they play a significant role in age-related macular degeneration. According to a study on men and women aged 50 and above, it was observed that a high rate of fruit intake was associated with protecting the retina from oxidative damage

Thursday 15 June 2017

What Are the Nutritional Benefits of Basmati Rice?

Basmati rice has been in use in the Indian and Pakistani dishes for many years. Today, it is one of the popular varieties of rice in the western part of the world as well. The idea of popularity can be estimated from the growing number of rice exporters from the Indian subcontinent. This variety of rice is rich in flavor and aroma, but these are not the only reasons for its acceptance at the global level. Here are some of the nutritional benefits that make the healthy agro products.

High Calorific Value
Those looking for high energy food in their regular diet should prefer basmati over other varieties of rice. About 200g of when cooked contains more than 200 calories and are thus the good source of instant energy.

Carbohydrates and Proteins
Various varieties of basmati including royal rice and the very popular 11-21 rice are good sources of carbohydrates. For instance, 200g of contain about 45g of carbohydrates. The same quantity of basmati contains more than 4g of proteins.

Lower in Fat and Gluten
A bowl with 200g rice contains less than 1g of fat. Moreover, this variety of rice doesn't contain cholesterol at all. All these qualities make a nutritionally apt food item for the regular consumption. Besides, 11-21 Rice and all other basmati varieties are free of gluten. Those who don't consumer gluten rich cereals and grains due to health issues find basmati rice to be a great alternative.

Rich Source of Vitamins
Basmati is a good source of various vitamins including niacin and thiamine. While deficiency of these vitamins is not good for human body, their presence in royal basmati rice, brown rice and other varieties add to their nutritional benefits. These vitamins keep heart, nervous system and digestive system in good health and are also beneficial for having a healthy skin.

Other Benefits
Iron is another important nutrient that basmati rice adds to one's diet. In addition, the brown rice variety of basmati adds fiber contents to the diet. Even the white rice basmati variety contains fiber, though it is less in value than compared to brown rice.

Considering these health benefits, basmati rice is fast becoming the preferred item of rice foods in many countries. Rice exporters in Delhi and other cities of the country are fast becoming the dominant Basmati rice exporters to various foreign markets; thanks to the nutritional benefits that makes basmati rice an export quality item.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Safety Match Exporters

Products of Safety Match From Rajexim Exporters

Safety matches are in great demand for its attractive look, functional nature and promotional advantage. They are made from highly quality wood and have sturdy splints. Our safety matches burn for a longer time compared to regular matches. To suit the needs of various industries, 

we offer different types of safety matches.



More details Visit to:


Tuesday 13 June 2017

Safety Matches Manufacturing Process

Matches are manufactured in several stages. In the case of wooden-stick matches, the matchsticks are first cut, prepared, and moved to a storage area. When the matchsticks are needed, they are inserted into holes in a long perforated belt.
 The belt carries them through the rest of the process, where they are dipped into several chemical tanks, dried, and packaged in boxes. Cardboard-stick matches used in match books are processed in a similar manner. Here is a typical sequence of operations for manufacturing wooden-stick matches:

Cutting the Matchsticks

  • 1 Logs of white pine or aspen are clamped in a debarking machine and slowly rotated while spinning blades cut away the outer bark of the tree.
  • 2 The stripped logs are then cut into short lengths about 1.6 ft (0.5 m) long. Each length is placed in a peeler and rotated while a sharp, flat blade peels a long, thin sheet of wood from the outer surface of the log. This sheet is about 0.1 in (2.5 mm) thick and is called a veneer. The peeling blade moves inward toward the core of the rotating log until only a small, round post is left. This post is discarded and may be used for fuel or reduced to wood chips for use in making paper or chipboard.
  • 3 The sheets of veneer are stacked and fed into a chopper. The chopper has many sharp blades that cut down through the stack to produce as many as 1,000 matchsticks in a single stroke.

Treating the Matchsticks

  • 4 The cut matchsticks are dumped into a large vat filled with a dilute solution of ammonium phosphate.
  • 5 After they have soaked for several minutes, the matchsticks are removed from the vat and placed in a large, rotating drum, like a clothes dryer. The tumbling action inside the drum dries the sticks and acts to polish and clean them of any splinters or crystallized chemical.
  • 6 The dried sticks are then dumped into a hopper and blown through a metal duct to the storage area. In some operations the sticks are blown directly into the matchmaking facility rather than going to storage.

Forming the Match Heads

  • 7 The sticks are blown from the storage area to a conveyor belt that transfers them to be inserted into holes on a long, continuous, perforated steel belt. The sticks are dumped into several v-shaped feed hoppers that line them up with the holes in the perforated belt. Plungers push the matchsticks into the holes across the width of the slowly moving belt. A typical belt may have 50-100 holes spaced across its width. Any sticks that do not seat firmly into the holes fall to a catch area beneath the belt and are transferred back to the feed hoppers.
  • 8 The perforated belt holds the matchsticks upside down and immerses the lower portion of the sticks in a bath of hot paraffin wax. After they emerge from the wax, the sticks are allowed to dry.
  • 9 Further down the line, the matchsticks are positioned over a tray filled with a liquid solution of the match head chemicals. The tray is then momentarily raised to immerse the ends of the sticks in the solution. Several thousand sticks are coated at the same time. This cycle repeats itself when the next batch of sticks is in position. If the matches are the strike-anywhere kind, the sticks move on to another tray filled with a solution of the tip chemicals, and the match ends are immersed in that tray, only this time not quite as deeply. This gives strike-anywhere matches their characteristic two-toned appearance.
  • 10 After the match heads are coated, the matches must be dried very slowly or they will not light properly. The belt loops up and down several times as the matches dry for 50-60 minutes.

Packaging the Matches

  • 11 The cardboard inner and outer portions of the match boxes are cut, printed, folded, and glued together in a separate area. If the box is to contain safety matches, the chemicals for the striking strip are mixed with an adhesive and are automatically applied to the outer portion of the box.
  • 12 When the matches are dry, the belt moves them to the packaging area, where a multi-toothed wheel pushes the finished matches out of the holes in the belt. The matches fall into hoppers, which measure the proper amount of matches for each box. The matches are dumped from the hoppers into the inner portions of the cardboard match boxes, which are moving along a conveyor belt located below the hoppers. Ten or more boxes may be filled at the same time.
  • 13 The outer portions of the match boxes move along another conveyor belt running parallel to the first belt. Both conveyors stop momentarily, and the filled inner portions are pushed into the outer portions. This cycle of filling the inner portions and pushing them into the outer portions is repeated at a rate of about once per second.
  • 14 The filled match boxes are moved by conveyor belt to a machine, which groups them and places them in a corrugated cardboard box for shipping.

Quality Control

The chemicals for each portion of the match head are weighed and measured exactly to avoid any variation in the match composition that might affect performance. Operators constantly monitor the operation and visually inspect the product at all stages of manufacture. In addition to visual inspection and other normal quality control procedures, match production requires strict attention to safety. Considering that there may be more than one million matches attached to the perforated belt at any time means that the working environment must be kept free of all sources of accidental ignition.

Monday 12 June 2017

Materials Used in Safety Matches

A match is a small stick of wood or strip of cardboard with a solidified mixture of flammable chemicals deposited on one end. When that end is struck on a rough surface, the friction generates enough heat to ignite the chemicals and produce a small flame. Some matches, called strike-anywhere matches, may be ignited by striking them on any rough surface. Other matches, called safety matches, will ignite only when they are struck on a special rough surface containing certain chemicals.

 Raw Materials:
Woods used to make matchsticks must be porous enough to absorb various chemicals, and rigid enough to withstand the bending forces encountered when the match is struck. They should also be straight-grained and easy to work, so that they may be readily cut into sticks. White pine and aspen are two common woods used for this purpose.

Once the matchsticks are formed, they are soaked in ammonium phosphate, which is a fire retardant. This prevents the stick from smoldering after the match has gone out. During manufacture, the striking ends of the matchsticks are dipped in hot paraffin wax. This provides a small amount of fuel to transfer the flame from the burning chemicals on the tip to the matchstick itself. Once the paraffin burns off, the ammonium phosphate in the matchstick prevents any further combustion.

The heads of strike-anywhere matches are composed of two parts, the tip and the base. The tip contains a mixture of phosphorus sesquisulfide and potassium chlorate. Phosphorus sesquisulfide is a highly reactive, non-toxic chemical used in place of white phosphorus. It is easily ignited by the heat of friction against a rough surface. The potassium chlorate supplies the oxygen needed for combustion. The tip also contains powdered glass and other inert filler material to increase the friction and control the burning rate. Animal glue is used to bind the chemicals together, and a small amount of zinc oxide may be added to the tip to give it a whitish color. The base contains many of the same materials as the tip, but has a smaller amount of phosphorus sesquisulfide. It also contains sulfur, rosin, and a small amount of paraffin wax to sustain combustion. A water-soluble dye may be added to give the base a color such as red or blue.

The heads of safety matches are composed of a single part. They contain antimony trisulfide, potassium chlorate, sulfur, powdered glass, inert fillers, and animal glue. They may also include a water-soluble dye. Antimony trisulfide cannot be ignited by the heat of friction, even in the presence of an oxidizing agent like potassium chlorate, and it requires another source of ignition to start the combustion. That source of ignition comes from the striking surface, which is deposited on the side of the matchbox or on the back cover of the matchbook. The striking surface contains red phosphorus, powdered glass, and an adhesive such as gum arabic or urea formaldehyde. When a safety match is rubbed against the striking surface, the friction generates enough heat to convert a trace of the red phosphorus into white phosphorus. This immediately reacts with the potassium chlorate in the match head to produce enough heat to ignite the antimony trisulfide and start the combustion.

Match boxes and match books are made from cardboard. The finned strips of cardboard used to make the matches in match books are called a comb.

Hair Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are packed with vitamins, nutrients and minerals that are vital for the maintenance of a healthy scalp and hair. Just like the skin, sesame seed oil has beneficial effects on your scalp, thus combating various scalp problems. The benefits of sesame seeds for the scalp are as follows.

1. Encourage Hair Growth
Sesame seeds contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 which promote hair growth. Sesame seed oil stimulates hair growth by nourishing, conditioning, and promoting a healthy scalp. The regular massage with warm sesame oil penetrates your scalp, thus increasing the blood circulation. It is comparable to a liquid vitamin that feeds your hair roots and shafts

2. Prevention Of Scalp Problems
Sesame seeds are rich in replenishing vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are vital for a healthy scalp. Massaging your scalp with sesame seed oil combats dryness, flakiness and clogged pores that cause hair thinning and hair loss. Besides, its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help in treating scalp infections and dandruff and soothing an irritated scalp.

3. Natural Sunscreen
Sesame seed oil acts as a natural sunscreen for your hair by protecting it from the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays and pollution.

4. Deep Conditioning
Sesame seed oil acts as a deep conditioning treatment for dry, damaged hair, split ends or chemically treated hair. It restores the lost moisture and strengthens the hair shaft, enabling dull and brittle hair to regain its shine, bounce, elasticity and softness.

5. Hair Darkening Qualities
Sesame seed oil is known for its hair darkening qualities that make it effective for people suffering from premature graying of hair. It can be used with carrier oils like olive or almond oil to reap the maximum benefits.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Skin Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

Sesame is rich in powerful antioxidants and possesses antibacterial and antiviral properties. It offers several benefits to your skin by bringing blood and nourishment. The oil extracted from sesame seeds is rich in omega-6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B and E which have been used as products of beautification. Let us learn how sesame seeds are beneficial for the skin.

1. Skin Detoxifier
The antioxidants contained in sesame seed oil help in detoxifying your skin. When applied on the skin, the molecules of this oil attract oil-soluble toxins that can be washed away with hot water and soap.
  • Mix half a cup of sesame seed oil with half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a quarter cup of water.
  • This should be applied every night after splashing your face with water.
You should include sesame seed oil in your beauty regime.

2. Suitable For Babies
Baby skin, particularly the area covered with diapers, often gets rashes due to the acidity of body wastes. Sesame seed oil protects their tender skin against these rashes. Applying it to the nose and ears provides protection against common skin pathogens. It also combats dryness of skin.

3. Healing Properties
Sesame seed oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and has excellent healing properties. Its antibacterial properties help to get rid of skin pathogens like staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi such as athlete’s foot fungus. Sesame seed oil mixed with warm water can control vaginal yeast infections.

4. Treatment Of Sunburns
When used after the exposure to the wind or the sun, sesame seed oil can treat suntans. It prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun from damaging your skin, thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation. The regular usage of this oil significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer and prevents the skin from the effects of chlorine in swimming pool water.

5. Glowing Skin
Sesame seed oil can provide you with glowing skin. It maintains skin flexibility by keeping it soft and supple, and heals the areas of mild cuts, scrapes and abrasions.
  • It helps tighten the facial skin, particularly the area around the nose, and controls the enlargement of pores.
  • It also controls eruptions and neutralizes the poisons which develop on the surface and in the pores.
  • You can also try a facial for glowing skin.
  • Massage your face thoroughly with sesame seed oil and scrub your face with rice or besan powder before washing off with warm water.
  • Later, splash your face with cold water to close the pores.
6. Treatment Of Cracked Heels
If you have cracked heels or sore feet, you can apply sesame seed oil every night before going to bed and cover your feet with cotton socks. This should be done for a couple of days to get soft and supple feet.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Different Types of Cotton Yarns

The textile industry is undoubtedly one of the oldest and the largest industries in the world. Even though numerous types of fabrics made from different materials are manufactured for multiple use across the world, the most common and universal fabric is cotton. There are two technologies available to spin the yarn, first and the foremost is Ring Spun and second is Open End.

 With the development in technology, and changing need of people world over different types of cotton yarns like 100% cotton compact yarn, 100% organic cotton yarns, 100% cotton mercerized yarns etc. have been developed which are used to manufacture a wide variety of cotton fabrics and clothing. Landmark International is one such leading supplier of 100% cotton yarns which deals in high end and high quality yarns used to manufacture clothing and made-ups.

The process of making fabric from raw cotton is a long one and consists of various stages. Mostly ring spun yarns are used for producing fine quality clothing, bed linens, bed sheets, bed spreads, pillow covers etc., while open end yarns are used for manufacturing denim wear, towels, etc This is similar to treating different diseases with different medicines. Like a wrong medicine can prove hazardous for the heath of a patient, in a similar way a wrong choice of yarn will result in the creation of the wrong type of fabric or clothing.

The basic difference between the yarns is their count. Different counts are used to make different type of fabrics. In some cases, the cotton yarn is blended with some other yarn in different ratios to provide different effects like shining or to lend more elasticity to the yarn. It is the yarn count and the twisting mode of the yarn that actually determines the overall strength and look of the manufactured fabric. 100% cotton compact yarn and 100% cotton mercerized yarns have less hairiness and the fabric made from these is of fine quality are is used for manufacturing luxury clothing and bedding.

Yarn trading is a fast growing industry and for achieving success in this field it is vital to first become familiar with the wide variety and types of yarns that are available.

For more information about the various types of 100% cotton yarns offered by RajExim visit

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Importance of Exporters From India and Their Quality Fabrics

Textile business is one of India's old industries along with agriculture sector. Initially, the sector was unorganized and there was a monopoly in the textile market with a handful manufacturers and exporters. However, with the time - textile industry also changed its outlook and went from unorganized to a fully functioning sector. Increased competition and wide choices for the domestic as well as overseas customers have also led exporters from India to enjoy this hike in demand at international level. At present, major brands from around the globe buy fabrics from manufacturers and exporters in India.

Majorly Produced Fabrics: India flaunts its position as the world's second largest fiber producer, preceded by China. However, the way garment industry is flourishing, experts allege that very soon India will take over China. Cotton is the majorly produced fiber in India, following with silk, jute, wool and synthetic fabrics such as polyester.

Cotton Fabric: Cotton is a light fabric with breathable quality. It is soft yet durable fiber and therefore enjoys superior wash and dry qualities. Due to its light and soft qualities fibers, cotton gives the wearer a comfortable time in springs and summers.

Silk: Silk is one of the most popular and luxury fabrics in Indian subcontinent. Subjected to normal shrinkage, the fabric is mild and has a tremendous resilience against dirt.

Jute: Jute is a durable fiber with excellent strength and breathability. It is an eco-friendly fiber with 100 percent bio-degradable and recyclable qualities. Majorly used to produce floor coverings, rugs, kurtas and bags.

Wool: Indian manufacturers and exporters are known for the finest wool fabrics across the globe. Indian wool fibers are exceptionally elastic, and offers a wearer great warmth and care in Winters.

Polyester Fabric: Polyester is a man made fabric with extremely adamant property of stoutness and durability. The fabrics incorporate exceptional resilience against chemicals and dirt. The fabric's stout properties are used in the production of functional and protective clothing to cater industry specific requirements; for instance medical profession, engineers, automobile engineers, etc.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

10 Reasons Why You Need Granite Countertops In Your Kitchen

Granite countertops are known for being both aesthetically and functionally appealing pieces for any kitchen or bathroom. Instead of hanging onto your old laminate, stainless steel, or wood countertops go for the classic and timeless look that comes with granite countertops.

There are a lot of stipulations and stereotypes that come with granite countertops, but there are also ten reasons that adding granite countertops to your kitchen could be a great decision for you!

1. Aesthetics:
Granite is visually attractive, colorful, and a material that does not go out of style. Granite countertops will give your kitchen the extra personality it needs and deserves. This day and age, there are so many designs and colors to choose from that you are guaranteed to find the right granite style and color for you.
2. Durable:
Since granite is able to withstand extremely large amounts of pressure, heat, and water, this countertop style has the potential to last forever! Granite is perfect for that type of home where the kitchen is used frequently to cook and entertain.
3. Maintenance:
Granite requires hardly any type of maintenance to keep it looking brand new. Due to its durability, granite is easily cleaned with soap and water and frequent cleanings will keep it in tact for years to come.
4. Variety:
Granite comes in a wide variety colors, designs, and sizes. There are so many styles and types of granite that it will be easy for you to find the perfect style for your taste and your kitchen.
5. Clean:
As mentioned previously, granite is easily cleaned and maintained. As an added bonus, granite is known for its ability to resist bacteria and other unhygienic properties that could cause harm in your kitchen.
6. Natural:
Granite is a common type of rock found naturally in the environment. You can go green by selecting a product that doesn't use plastic or other manmade pollutants during the manufacturing process.
7. Friendly:
The heat, pressure, and water resistant properties make granite a great countertop option for homes with children. With the durability of the rock, you won't have to worry about children damaging the countertops by scratching or coloring on it which makes it a very friendly choice for a wide variety of home types.
8. Unique:
Because granite comes in several shapes, styles, and patterns it is safe to say that you will have a unique countertop that is unlike any other style of countertop and less likely to be duplicated by someone else interested in putting granite in their home.
9. Resistant:
Granite will last longer than any other countertop material with its heat and pressure resistant properties. While the initial price of the granite countertops may seem high, the long lasting durability of the countertops turns your purchase into an investment.
10. Affordable:
While granite may seem high priced at first, the price of granite is actually very affordable in the long run. Since granite does not require maintenance or repairs, this is a practical and affordable investment that comes with a one-time cost and not much cost in maintenance.

As you can see, granite is an affordable investment perfect for homes that love entertaining, homes with children, or homes looking to upgrade their aesthetics for the future. The timeless durability and low maintenance that comes with granite countertops practically pays for itself in the long run.
Granite countertops are known for being both aesthetically and functionally appealing pieces for any kitchen or bathroom. Instead of hanging onto your old laminate, stainless steel, or wood countertops go for the classic and timeless look that comes with granite countertops. There are a lot of stipulations and stereotypes that come with granite countertops, but there are also ten reasons that adding granite countertops to your kitchen could be a great decision for you!
  1. Aesthetics: Granite is visually attractive, colorful, and a material that does not go out of style. Granite countertops will give your kitchen the extra personality it needs and deserves. This day and age, there are so many designs and colors to choose from that you are guaranteed to find the right granite style and color for you.
  2. Durable: Since granite is able to withstand extremely large amounts of pressure, heat, and water, this countertop style has the potential to last forever! Granite is perfect for that type of home where the kitchen is used frequently to cook and entertain.
  3. Maintenance: Granite requires hardly any type of maintenance to keep it looking brand new. Due to its durability, granite is easily cleaned with soap and water and frequent cleanings will keep it in tact for years to come.
  4. Variety: Granite comes in a wide variety colors, designs, and sizes. There are so many styles and types of granite that it will be easy for you to find the perfect style for your taste and your kitchen.
  5. Clean: As mentioned previously, granite is easily cleaned and maintained. As an added bonus, granite is known for its ability to resist bacteria and other unhygienic properties that could cause harm in your kitchen.
  6. Natural: Granite is a common type of rock found naturally in the environment. You can go green by selecting a product that doesn't use plastic or other manmade pollutants during the manufacturing process.
  7. Friendly: The heat, pressure, and water resistant properties make granite a great countertop option for homes with children. With the durability of the rock, you won't have to worry about children damaging the countertops by scratching or coloring on it which makes it a very friendly choice for a wide variety of home types.
  8. Unique: Because granite comes in several shapes, styles, and patterns it is safe to say that you will have a unique countertop that is unlike any other style of countertop and less likely to be duplicated by someone else interested in putting granite in their home.
  9. Resistant: Granite will last longer than any other countertop material with its heat and pressure resistant properties. While the initial price of the granite countertops may seem high, the long lasting durability of the countertops turns your purchase into an investment.
  10. Affordable: While granite may seem high priced at first, the price of granite is actually very affordable in the long run. Since granite does not require maintenance or repairs, this is a practical and affordable investment that comes with a one-time cost and not much cost in maintenance. Not to mention, right now Savvy is selling 8 different colors for $38 per square foot!
As you can see, granite is an affordable investment perfect for homes that love entertaining, homes with children, or homes looking to upgrade their aesthetics for the future. The timeless durability and low maintenance that comes with granite countertops practically pays for itself in the long run.

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